230 Sunny Days

75º HIGH / 58º LOW
Avg. Temperature (F)

35" Precipitation

68% Average
Daily Humidity
Waco, Texas is the perfect place for students ready to jumpstart their career in aviation.
Known as the exciting home of the prestigious Baylor University, Waco boasts an incredible 330+ flying days per year, allowing for uninterrupted training of our career program students.
Waco Airport (KACT) is a Class D (tower-controlled) airport located just outside of the Dallas Forth Worth Class B airspace. With 10+ Class D airports within 35 miles of Waco and many training areas to support our students' needs, flying out of KACT exposes our students to a rich and diverse training environment that's perfect for career-oriented instruction. Amongst this lively college town, students learn to communicate with air traffic control while transitioning through airspaces, with access to 100s of instrument approaches and many cross-country destinations within 50 miles of the airport. In addition to being our newest state-of-the-art facility, with over 32,000 sq/ft of total space, our Waco location serves as the home base to our more than 75 Baylor Aviation Sciences students.
The Universal Flight Concepts Training Facility is located at Waco Airport (KACT) in a Texas Aero FBO building we recently renovated and purposed for our own use. We operate from the "Universal" ramp at the south east side of the airport, with our own hangers and maintenance facility adjacent the ramp. To learn more about our facilities, click the link below.
For a complete list of training offered this location, see below.
Waco, Texas is the perfect place for students ready to jumpstart their career in aviation.
Known as the exciting home of the prestigious Baylor University, Waco boasts an incredible 330+ flying days per year, allowing for uninterrupted training of our career program students.
Waco Airport (KACT) is a Class D (tower-controlled) airport located just outside of the Dallas Forth Worth Class B airspace. With 10+ Class D airports within 35 miles of Waco and many training areas to support our students' needs, flying out of KACT exposes our students to a rich and diverse training environment that's perfect for career-oriented instruction. Amongst this lively college town, students learn to communicate with air traffic control while transitioning through airspaces, with access to 100s of instrument approaches and many cross-country destinations within 50 miles of the airport. In addition to being our newest state-of-the-art facility, with over 32,000 sq/ft of total space, our Waco location serves as the home base to our more than 75 Baylor Aviation Sciences students.
The Universal Flight Concepts Training Facility is located at Waco Airport (KACT) in a Texas Aero FBO building we recently renovated and purposed for our own use. We operate from the "Universal" ramp at the south east side of the airport, with our own hangers and maintenance facility adjacent the ramp. To learn more about our facilities, click the link below.
For a complete list of training offered this location, see below.
Zulu Time: UTC-6 (-5DT)
N31º36.73' W97º13.82'
RWY 01-19 / 14-32
Tower 119.3
ATIS 123.85
AIRSPACE: CLASS D svc 1200-0600Z; other times CLASS E
Field Elevation: 516'

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